You feel like you have prepared an amazing story arc with many side plots and a key plot twist. Certain NPCs have important information that the player characters will NEED to know. You placed each piece of information and plot in all the "right" places so that it will seem like just enough of a challenge.
Players show up and the session starts ... Nothing is going as YOU planned it !!!
When guiding an adventure you may sometimes feel like you are losing control of the plot. That feeling may be what's actually happening. This is a great opportunity! This is where you can find a balance between you and the players leading the game content. You get the chance to interact through the characters you built. Remember that the player characters are changing the world you created so allowing them to drive the story line should be encouraged!
- If they find something funny, use it
- If they want to call something by a different name, use it
- If they want to make a lobster out of floor tiles, let them at least try it!
During this episode a player said, "You just made that up."
I replied with, "Yes, yes I did."
In truth I make up all of it except for what's in the rule book. The players do the same.
Now that we are in our 12th session I prep in more of an outline form than in a written story form. I find this to be my style of guiding a campaign. Early sessions a few scripted chapters to establish a world and a story foundation. Now that the story is underway I find myself creating characters with certain personalities, locations with certain issues or opportunities, and adapt them to the overlying story arc. The organic story arc that has been established in the previous sessions.
Then it's game on!
This leaves each session adaptable and fluid. This is only my style and it does not fit everyone. I enjoy being challenged through creativity and quick thinking.
The creativity and imagination is limitless!
I find that some moments are lead by the game master and some are lead by the players.
Being open to ideas and story content lead by others is key!
Find the balance that works for your group.