Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Episode 6

Recurring Characters and Disregarded Genocide

We solidified the idea of Legend Points and Bolster Points. Don't be afraid to come up with additional ideas and/or rules that can be motivating and fun for your specific group.

Here is what what if being offered:

  • Every session we are giving out Legend Points. One from the GM(me) and another to be voted on and given out. Maximum five can be held per player.
  • We all are giving out Bolster Points. This is an ability to use the boon Bolster at level 3. The player must use it for another player besides themselves. Only 3 total exist in the adventure.

A character that has had the players interest can show up and drive the story along. I used the character that they almost killed. This character has been paralyzed, threatened, bound, and "dry-boarded" by the group. Now they have an interest to assist and to be assisted by them.

I look for the sweet spots in the conversations to create questions, doubts, and (dis)trust.

If a character is uncomfortable with an NPC (Non-Player Character) it is not always a bad thing. Check with the player and make sure to have an X-card handy.
An NPC interest in one of your player's characters can motivate the group to converse more and become more involved.

As I set up this world I put together two main races. One as the alpha and the other as the race that does not know any better than to just do what the alpha says. As the role-playing continued the underlying truth of a genocide came to light. This is a serious subject that is the foundation of the planet. In the midst of the fun and silliness I try to put a very serious subject in the background to bring a unity to the group. Like a common enemy. Sometimes it works.


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Episode 14

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